Monday, February 12, 2007

This world is beautiful.


This world is beautiful.
Full of different people,
different personailities.
Each with a talent,
a gift.
Singing, art, dance, music,
the list goes on.
It becomes more beautiful when what they love
is expressed through their talent
then you become
I love this world.
The world that was created out of Divine Love
from the ultimate Divine.
We are proof that the Almighty exists.
What a beautiful proof!
We have been given the most beautiful gift
of knowledge and love of our Almighty
take this chance
look around you
everything you see
is made from the Almightys Love.
So I love this world.
Beauty is shown everywhere I look
you cannot escape from the truth
at some time
you realise
it hits you!
Enter the portal of Love and remove the mask from your eyes.
This world is beautiful.
Full of beautiful people.
Full of inspiration.
Full of different wonders.
Different amazing talents.
Don't hide, let your love show.
This world is beautiful.

By Munise.


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