Sunday, March 18, 2007

Broken Poetry..

Heart pounds, soul flys to the Divine, no more problems, no more worries, as you have opened the door to your heart and soul not realising that you had the key all along, whats the secret message to get the key? Just let love in and experience a million feelings at once. Feel the experience, feel the love, feel the pounding of your heart, feel the most Divine freedom as your soul escapes from the prison of your body. You are One.Close ur eyes, emerge yourself away from your body, see urself lift up and look down on what you see which you called your body becos you are just your soul, flying and whirling to the beautiful unknown. Free yet nothing as you become One with the Almighty and Beloved.Keep the love flowing, even if it ends, be happy for you have experience beauty and that love will go on forever like an endless scroll. Keep the flow. My heart opens and i see an image of old stressed doors open, free, to the place of the unknown, the place of Openess, Oneness, i have arrived.As I reach the deepest sorrow, I cRy for you not to leave me, Oh Beloved, do not leave me, do not let this love i feel for you to escape through my fingers, keep me refreshed, keep my hand locked into yours.~Broken Poetry by Munise.

Monday, February 12, 2007

This world is beautiful.


This world is beautiful.
Full of different people,
different personailities.
Each with a talent,
a gift.
Singing, art, dance, music,
the list goes on.
It becomes more beautiful when what they love
is expressed through their talent
then you become
I love this world.
The world that was created out of Divine Love
from the ultimate Divine.
We are proof that the Almighty exists.
What a beautiful proof!
We have been given the most beautiful gift
of knowledge and love of our Almighty
take this chance
look around you
everything you see
is made from the Almightys Love.
So I love this world.
Beauty is shown everywhere I look
you cannot escape from the truth
at some time
you realise
it hits you!
Enter the portal of Love and remove the mask from your eyes.
This world is beautiful.
Full of beautiful people.
Full of inspiration.
Full of different wonders.
Different amazing talents.
Don't hide, let your love show.
This world is beautiful.

By Munise.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Beloved One, A Plea..


I've been calling your name
And im falling
to the ground.
I am ashamed

unworthy of your Love
unworthy to cry
missing you so
i dont care about


I keep hearing your name
nothing is the same
with no care about this life
i've died inside
but my soul
is awake
with Love

I keep hoping for you
with thoughts of you
with no rest
no sleep
knocking on your door
take my hand
catch me
when i

By Munise//

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My Wings of Love


My Wings of Love

I am drenched in your love
Dancing on the spinning floor
I turn
and turn again
with only thoughts of You

I am in the street of my house
spinning in the middle of the road
no one can see me
no one can hear me
but You

I call out your name as i dance in your love
I begin to float, my legs not touching the ground beneath me
I look up, and i see a glimpse of You
My eyes gleam, my mind rests, my heart praises
in your name, i carry on whirling

As i reach higher and higher towards you
I am in the state of balance, where i become One with You
You are my wings and i fade into the sky,
still whirling as i let my wings of Love carry me towards You,
eyes closed, heart spinning, i have become One with my Beloved and lost my senses in this world~
by Munise

Sunday, October 08, 2006



I could jump off a cliff
and into a sea of rocks
but that wouldn't remove You from my smiling heart
as You are my wings.

I could dance on the edge of the highest roof top,
without socks nor shoes
but I wouldn't be afraid
as I live for You.

I could jump into the deepend of a pool
without knowing how to swim
but I wouldn't be scared
because I have You as my lifeguard.

No matter what happens,
nothing can remove the smile from my face
and the Love in my heart,
as I have discovered that I am nothing
but a Lover of the Loved.

by Munise.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Whirl in Ecstasy


I have lost my sense in my world of lovers...

In my hallucination I saw my Beloved flower garden, in my vertigo, in my dizziness, in my drunken haze, whirling and dancing like a spinning wheel.

Jalaluddin Rumi - my realisation of Love

Saturday, September 16, 2006



Assalamu Alaikum wr wb,

Just finished a painting saying: BismillahirRahmaniRahim :)

Without "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" no action is good; and Shaytan is attempting to interfere 70 times in its recitation to spoil it. To forget "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" means to forget Allah, and without Allah there is no foundation and no support for anything. "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" has been granted to the Prophet's Ummah of the Last Days, and it is the biggest mercy. When Allah created the Tablet and the Pen and ordered the Pen to write "Bismillah irRahman ir-Rahim" it needed 700 years for this magnificient writing. Who can say "Bismillah irRahman irRahim" with ta'zim with magnification of Allah's Glory gets the reward of 700 years. Write "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" everywhere - on your house, over the door, as people go in under the Bismala; in the car - write it and don't be afraid, for with "Bismillah ir-Rahman ir-Rahim" nothing bad can happen. They are asking you to have strong faith.

Mawlana Sheikh Nazim